

„Schöne Erinnerungen können einem das Leben retten
– The Punisher, 2004.“

Anfang 2015 starteten meine Freunde Alex, Paul und ich unser gemeinsames Foto-Projekt:

365 Tage – jeden Tag ein Foto!

Mit diesem Projekt fing unsere kreative Entdeckungsreise an.

Ich bin froh, dass ich bei diesem Projekt mitwirken durfte und dass mich meine Freunde auf diesem Pfad begleitet haben. Meine Neugier zur Fotografie wurde erst 2014 nach der Hochzeit meiner Schwester geweckt, als ich ihre wunderbaren Hochzeitsbilder sah und dann zufällig auf eine sehr günstige Pentax K-7 Kamera stieß. Seitdem ließ ich keine Gelegenheit aus die Kamera zu jedem Anlass mit zu nehmen.

Gegen Ende des Jahres meinte Alex dann, ob wir nicht gemeinsam ein 365 Tage Projekt starten sollten, um unsere Skills zu verbessern und neben unserer musikalischen Kreativität (wir spielten beide in der Band TrueFalse/Suricate Vault) unseren künstlerischen Blick für Motive und Momente zu schärfen. Mit Paul fanden wir unseren dritten Mitstreiter, mit dem wir in der Vergangenheit auch oft musiziert haben. Wir hatten alle eine gute Kamera, die öfter genutzt werden wollte.

Bahoo 2015

Die Vorgaben waren:

  • Das Foto musste an dem jeweiligen Tag vor 0.00 Uhr im Kasten sein
  • Wir mussten zu jedem Bild einen kleinen Text schreiben
  • Anschließend soll das Ergebnis auf einer gemeinsamen Seite hochgeladen und veröffentlicht werden

Am 01.01.2015 startete das 365project Bahoo. Um dem Kind einen Namen zu geben, griffen wir auf ein fiktives Logo zurück, welches Alex in der Vergangenheit mal entworfen hatte, um seine Photoshop-Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Und wenn Affen reden könnten, wäre der Ausdruck „Bahoo“ sicher in ihrem Wortschatz geläufig…

Das Projekt war indirekt auch eine Art Wettstreit am Ende jeden Tages ein besseres Bild als die anderen zu schaffen. Es war interessant die Ideen der anderen zu sehen oder uns gegenseitig durch konstruktive Kritik zu verbessern. Es formte uns zu Fotografen und zeigte uns unsere Vorlieben, die wir bis dahin nicht kannten. So entdeckte Alex durch Bahoo sein Interesse für Studiofotografie, Paul die analoge Fotografie sowie digitale Videografie und ich den Hang zum Minimalismus. Gleichzeitig ist das Projekt ein Tagebuch aus unserem Leben, welches jeden Tag seine persönliche Geschichte offenbart.

Heute treibt Alex sein vom Bund gefördertes Start-up aiConomix voran; Paul ist als Freelancer im Videobereich tätig.

Begleitet mich auf meiner fotografischen Reise durch das Jahr 2015 – meinem persönlichen Fototagebuch, welches meine Entwicklung zum Fotografen entscheidend geprägt hat 🙂

001/365 – Tree of Life

The new year displaces the preceding. It’s the circle of life.
We can see the lights from the christmas market, which aren’t removed yet.


002/365 – Bird droppings

It’s cold outside but the rays of sunlight are shining through the clouds. The window remind us of the migratory birds. We are yearning for warmness on the soul.


003/365 – The wish

…worth than a thousand words!


004/365 – Rocket

When I drive to a friend I spot this mosque which I never notice before. I like the modern architecture. The voice in my head counts numerical series: „…’to infinity and beyond‘, towards heaven…whoooosh, smoke and clouds“.


005/365 – Caution!!!!

At my university it looks like the teletubbie-land. But right in the middle there is a little lake. We have to be careful not to fall in the moor…


006/365 – The three Magi

Today the star of Bethlehem leads me to the „Drei Bäume Park“. The 3 trees invite us to sit down and enjoy the sunny day. Furthermore I like the old look of photography so I put on my beloved Helios lens on my cam and try some settings in Photoshop today.


007/365 – street musician

Here in Dortmund was a campaign „SPIEL MICH“. It’s a funeral cortege for old pianos which are a donation from citizen to citizen to let the city sing. The boy played some pop music and all the passers-by paused and listened to the great music.


008/365 – Bokeh

Today is a rainy day, but hey: chocolate makes happy!! 😀


009/365 – rotten roof

Today I was at Camp Hitfeld. It’s a forbidden place and remains of an old Belgium base camp by Aachen from the second world war. I like this picture, because the sunlight makes the roof looks like 3D.


010/365 – longing for Eva

This is a little cute PEZ dispenser in front of a TV, but doesn’t it look real??!! 😀 Thanks Thanh for holding the light!!
Model: Wall-E
Background: Fire TV Screensaver


011/365 – leave a mark

We all leave a mark in the world. This wall is from one of my best friends Alisa and Britta. Every visitor has to leave a mark in there flat. This is a nice idea and makes living a little bit more creative. I love the girls 🙂


012/365 – open door

I played with light to create a mystic ambient. A song of good and evil surrounds us. Narnia, I’m coming!!


013/365 – infinity

This is a very long seesaw in Dortmund City, but I was alone, nobody to play with: I’m lost.


014/365 – night work

Even if nobody knows playing music is hard work. A good concert needs time and hours of exercise until it fades away: ‚Friends applaud, the comedy is over.‘ (Beethoven)


015/365 – Bill

On my way home from choir practise I noticed this working man. I felt pity on him because it was 10 pm and he had to work. That’s why I chose him for the picture today.
It’s interesting what’s hidden under all these poster. I like the colors. At home I tried some light effects in photoshop to make the atmosphere more intense.


016/365 – still life

Today I was for teatime at Martina’s apartement. I saw this beautiful seemingly dead orchid on her window sill. With the back light of the sun, the trees and the white sky it looks like a black and white picture but if you can see: the blossom is still yellow and it contains life.


017/365 – mutiple personality

I went to a play with a good friend. On my way to the Dortmund Schauspielhaus I saw this figure and I wanted to catch the picture in my head: the shadow of the virgin looks like a man who holds a chainsaw and an axe. Maybe it’s the evil himself…


018/365 – now and then

This is a picture of my beloved hometown Stolberg. On my way back from a piano lesson I realized that spot is nearly untouched. Just a few people knows that Stolberg had an electric tramway in the past. If you look closely you can see the electrical connection of the utility pole of the tramway at the wall.


019/365 – je suis charlie

Two weeks ago I discovered this place while looking out of the train. So I decided to take this picture today when I was working in Aachen and I took the picture during the ride. It’s resided between Aachen Hauptbahnhof and Aachen Rothe Erde on the roof of some buildings this is a great statement and call for solidarity and tolerance. I’m glad to know that there are still sensible people in my homeland!! Thanks for this street art!!


020/365 – time

I often forget to eat while I’m working. That’s why this picture is dedicated to all creative people out there: don’t forget about your health!! Take a little bit of time and enjoy your mealtime 🙂


021/365 – symmetry network

Every day I cross this stairs from the metro station ‚Reinoldikirche‘ in Dortmund. I think the bottom-up view highlight the cool symmetry of the pipe network.


022/365 – exit

Today I was in the uni until 6 PM. That’s why I just desiderate home. The only thing I love at this lecture auditorium is the orange color.


023/365 – life goes on

There are over 300 naturally-occurring chemicals in chocolate, and some of them can affect the human brain via the release of particular neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are exactly what they sound like; they send signals back and forth between neurons. Certain neurotransmitters can be responsible for your emotions and the way you feel. So this is a symbolic picture for me today with it’s deeper meaning…damned black day!!


024/365 – snowman

The first time I shot with my dads compact camera because my beloved Pentax K5 was stolen on friday. The biggest aperture of this camera is 3.5. That’s why I blurred the background to give the picture more deepness.


025/365 – reflection

During my work I shot this reflection of a neon lamp on a Mini Cooper. Do you recognize the silhouette of the car?


026/365 – drowning

Nothing special today, I just had appetite for drinking chocolate. The hand is a spoon in the cup.


027/365 – number

On my way I spotted this house number on a grey, dismal house. It’s a great contrast and gives it that extra something.


028/365 – airstrip

I learned for a test and practiced piano today. The rhythm and syncopation of a great ragtime piece are very tough so I had to play it again and again. After a while I recognized that the buttons looks like a landing runway.


029/365 – colored sheep

Another abstract picture today. Because it’s so cold outside I chose warm tones to warm the heart and eyes. The orange egg stands for the special friend in your life.


030/365 – illuminated

During my way home I saw this great illuminated building. It’s still under construction and become the german soccer museum. The form is unique, so the picture for today was a present. The lights are still original like I shot this photo.


031/365 – Alisa

On this day I visited my friend Paul, who is also involved in this 365 project. At the moment I have no camera to shot a portrait. That’s why I used his camera for a portrait of a very good friend: Alisa.
She has a heart of gold!!! She is always there if you need someone to talk. That’s why this photo is dedicated to her.


032/365 – beethoven is charlie!

I took this shot during the rehearsal of a concert. I sung Beethovens 9th symphony with a project-choir and the Studentenorchester of my college. The concert hall of Dortmund contains 1500 seats. The woman sat alone and is lost in the music.
Beethovens masterpiece is so powerful and awesome. Everytime I got goose bumps during lines like:
‚Do you fall in worship, you millions?
World, do you know your creator?
Seek him in the heavens;
Above the stars must He dwell.‘
Je suis charlie!


033/365 – danger of collapse

On this weekend I was on my way and had no time to find a good motive. So I took a photo from my bookend. It was a gift for my sister some years ago, but it was too cool, so I buy one extra for me.
The backlight was from my mobile phone. With this picture I tried to improve my photoshop skills.


034/365 – 50 shades of lamps

I was in the city to buy some things for picture number 045 and spotted this motive in a decoration shop.


035/365 – full

Just have waited for the bus after college and spotted this full trash can: it’s full to bursting.


036/365 – Arthur Weasley’s Car

Harry and Ron at Dortmund Hauptbahnhof? Or is it the Hogwarts-Express? Instead of taking the train I could take this car today. This is the original Ford Anglia from the movie Iand it was in Dortmund for promotion of a Harry Potter exhibition in Cologne.


037/365 – all you need is love

Seen on a street sign in my hometown. To be honestly, I know who sprayed this heart three years ago. Make love, not war!!


038/365 – toys II

I represented my friend Britta and worked for her at the Tivoli Stadion Aachen because she was ill. The game between Alemannia Aachen and Rot-Weiß-Essen was sold out and working was frantically busy. I sold beer for the Alemannia fans; the guests weren’t allowed to drink any alcohol. This foto was shot after the game on my way home. I forgot a camera, that’s why I took this shot with my mobile phone. At home I boosted hue and saturation I tried another tilt-shift picture.


039/365 – bad guys like cats

In reality she isn’t a bad guy: Thanh is a lovely, beautiful girl and one of my best friends. I know her since our childhood. She is like a sister for me. I’ve tried my new bought Helios lens on Alex‘ camera while she posed with the cat for the shot.


040/365 – It’s all mine!

This is a cool figure from africa. My sister spent more than a half year there and this was a souvenir. I played a little bit with the colors in LR to get the right spirit to convey the splash of colour into the cold season!!


041/365 – reflects on life

The wide open sea is like our life. We don’t know what expects us: sometimes we feel lonely and it sucks and hurts: „I know it hurts. That’s life. If nothing else, It’s life. It’s real, and sometimes it fuckin‘ hurts, but it’s sort of all we have.“ (Garden State)
I had a meeting in Cologne today. This shot was taken on the „Hohenzollernbrücke“. The dropping on the pole and the wide sea give the picture its deepness.


042/365 – lady in red

I didn’t have dared to take more photos in the metro, but I think that her choice of colors is very interesting…


043/365 – shoes

Today was the recording of our TV-Show ‚Terzwerk TV‘. The little cute studio is our ‚living room‘. These are the shoes of our floor manager who relieve stress and chill out before the Show.


044/365 – father and son

The shadow of some smoke pipes looks like whatever you want to see. The blue sky, brown bricks and the red house wall stands in contrast to each other.


045/365 – le chauffeur

Originally I planned another motif for today, but this dog was so chilled and cool that I have to take the shot for today!! It was dark and this camera is not fast and bright enough, so I used the intern built flash. The dog was waiting for his master who surely enjoyed a fille de joie.


046/365 – blue valentine

This planned motif for yesterday comes today, one day after valentine’s day for all whose heart is broken.


047/365 – (b)alone

Rose Monday: I enjoyed the day with my good friends Michi & Johanna. We collected candy for Michis little cousin. The carnival procession was through the Steinweg in Stolberg. This street is very small so there was no good light, just shadow. That’s why I decided to take this shot – a yellow ballon.


048/365 – chinese food

Actually it’s vietnamese food. I cooked at Alisa’s apartement and we watched a great movie on this day with another good friend.


049/365 – more shoes

I went to Theater Dortmund to call for theatre tickets for this evening. On the way I spotted this tree with the shoes on it at ‚Stadtgarten‘.


050/365 – sunnyside up

It’s difficult to make a nearly perfect egg sunny-side up. I tried three times and here is the result. The light came from the sun through the window. I took a cuke as the sunbeam. After taken the shot I had a wonderful meal, but a little to much egg 😀


051/365 – astronaut

My siblings and I presented my father with this little lamp on christmas. It has a light sensor and luminaire the room when it’s dark.
‚Soon I’ll disappear into the deepest space
I won’t leave a trace‘ (Blackfield – Dissolving with the night)


052/365 – hipster

This is Jo – a good friend, my old organ teacher and choirmaster. My musical basic education resulted from him.
We old stager met us at his home today. It was a funny day. Jo is wearing found glasses as reading glasses. They are so old and ugly that they must be retro now, that’s why we tried to create a modern look with a scarf and a bonnet.


053/365 – reconquest

At Stolberg ‚Hauptbahnhof‘ is an abandoned industrial building. I like how the nature reconquer the place and how the tree is growing in the smokestack. Furthermore today was a really nice and sunny day. It’s a good contrast to the dark building.


054/365 – morning ritual (self-portrait I)

Everyday the same: waking up, rising, showering, dressing, brushing the teeth…I don’t have a self-portrait yet, so this is my funny try and I love pictures from everyday life.


055/365 – catharsis

I’m preparing for my exam which can be frantically busy. So I’m always trying to reduce stress. Music should not be work, but sometimes it is, ‚cause of studying music.
The cup is a self-made christmas present for me of my beloved sister My.


056/365 – ‚Look at my balls you fools!!‘

Today I was the entourage of my friend Hannah. She had to write an article for the press. But the band ‚Black Label Society‘ was a little bit arrogant and their management prohibited us to make photos even we had a photo pass. That’s why she won’t publish it.
All in all the audience was not satisfied. Zakk Wylde jerked off 15 minutes on his guitar and the band didn’t give even an encore. Another journalist said today that his guitar idol is now dead to him.
By the way taking this shot was illegal but yolo 😉


057/365 – newly enamoured

I met some good old friends today by chance at a bigband concert of my old school and so I sat in a row with Esther. Later on Camilla and David joined us. I enjoyed the time, laughed a lot whispered with Esther and searched for my motif: Thanks David for cooperating. Aren’t they sweet?


058/365 – baby doll

I worked with a doctoral candidate in cologne and we have rated the musical sense of a second grade in primary school. At the coffee break I spotted this ugly doll in the class. It looked so creepy that I ask me, if someone really plays with it?!


059/365 – magic carpet

Caro spend two semester abroad in Toulouse and our meetings are always too short, but I enjoy every time with her. Today she helped me to be creative and we brainstorm together. We came to this decision of a modern and cool version of ‚One Thousand and One Nights‘ and who looks prettier than this princess??
This picture was taken in 3 shots and I edited it later in PS. Atfer that we watched ‚Lady and the Tramp‘ together.


060/365 – when I grow up..

Sunday, working 8 hours in Aachen, but have taking this photo: I like the shadows, how the sun is shining in the car dealership and how the little boy stands ahead the picture. There are so many cars around, but he just has an eye for coffee. Or does he count all the beans?!


061/365 – luck

‚Ein kleiner Beutel fein gefüllt, seinen Zauber demjenigen enthüllt, der ihn mit heißem Wasser übergießt und aus vollen Herzen dieses Glück genießt.‘

062/365 – after the rain

It rained all the day but at evening the sun came out and created this beautiful sunset. In the distance we can see an old smoke pipe which stands in contrast to the nature. It’s an industrial relict of my hometown Stolberg. The view is from my parents house.


063/365 – love is in the air

Everytime I look out of the window I can see my old school so I decided to take picture of it. I asked Camilla last week, to realize this picture and so we „met“ us today at 10 AM. I was 100 meter away at the window of my parents house. Thanks Camilla for smiling 5 Minutes long!!
By the way the title belongs to the sign and lovebirds: Have you seen the kissing doves in the right corner?

064/365 – poak?

I like how the sun light the head of the metal chicken and give the face its questioning gaze. Maybe I had to remove dust before taking the shot. Next Time!!


065/365 – look at my life

I spent the day with Alisa and Britta. We had a great time with eating Lebanese food, visiting a musicstore and drinking coffee and hot chocolate in a café. I spotted this stranger. He sats alone and enjoyed his journal and his soup.
‚Old man look at my life, I’m a lot like you were.‘ (Neil Young)


066/365 – red envelope

Actually Vietnamese New Year’s Day is over, but because all Vietnamese are living all over the country this was the last celebration after divine service of the catholic Vietnamese community Aachen. It was the first time since a while that my brother Son and I visit this place again.


067/365 – construct

I saw the pink umbrella the night before on a bench and I decided to go to this place after working again. Then spotted this weird construction on the way: It’s a tire and an umbrella on a street sign – something between art and vandalism. Where is the tire from?!


068/365 – fast friend

This is my fast friend and normally my little Porsche is very reliable. But on this day I forgot to turn off the light, so the battery was empty. Fortunately I came from the car dealership where I’m working, so it was no problem to bridge the battery. By the way the door is open, because the car battery is under the rear bench seat.


069/365 – aquarium

I’m the first time for weeks in Dortmund again. The town’s landmark is near my home. One-time it was brewery; now it’s a museum. On top of the building is a big screen, so today it looks like a big aquarium. The scenery changes every time.


070/365 – baby cake

I went through Dortmund city, then I saw this cake in a shop window of a café: I still don’t know if it looks delicious or disgusting…


071/365 – bulb

A scenery from our ‚Terzwerk TV‘ studio at TU Dortmund.


072/365 – ALDI

I bought some ingredients for baking a cake. It’s for a party tomorrow.


073/365 – Old love never dies

I charged the car battery of my little Porsche. Under the battery was rust and holes appeared. When I have time and money I will fix it, old friend!!


074/365 – oh

I spent the night in Bonn at Annettes Birthday Party. On my way back to Bonn Hauptbahnhof I saw this two electricity boxes. It looks interesting, so chose it as today’s bahoo motif.


075/365 – ufo

I visited my brother Son with Aaron and Marco spontaneously. We went sightseeing. The lights at train station ‚Aufsessplatz‘ in Nürnberg looks like a ufo. I like shots where infinity is represented.


076/365 – soap bubble

To see the joy in the face of a child is a pleasure. The litle boy tried to hunt the soap bubble. I took the shot at the Lorenzkirche in Nürnberg.


077/365 – withered tree

After being in Stolberg, Aachen, Nürnberg the days before I barbecued with good friends at Hannah’s flat in Dortmund. Her appartement is decorated beautiful. On the window sill stands this great meta motif.


078/365 – watching a movie

Ruth and Oli are very good friends of mine in Dortmund. They are always helpful if you are distress. Furthermore Oli makes the best hearty pancake I’ve ever eaten. I study with them music. Today we watched a movie together at Anton’s domicile in Bochum. I’m glad to reckon then among my friends.


079/365 – luminous reflectance

I spent this weekend with some of my best friends in the Eifel. We rented a little cottage in Rieden, which had a gorgeous lake view. Independent of Alex I had the same idea for my shot for this day even if I took the picture some hours later. I like the light colors of the various illuminant and the reflection of the calm lake.


080/365 – sauna

We saunaed 2 times every day at our sweet cottage in Rieden. After that and a cold shower you feel rested and newborn. I tried to capture the heat. Alex chilled at nearly 60 degrees Celsius or 140 degrees Fahrenheit.


081/365 – grass

The whole weekend of our 3 days trip in Rieden was foggy and rainy but on the last day the sun came out!!! That’s why we decided to go for a walk and enjoy the Eifel country air.


082/365 – mini dog

Nothing special, just working at Mini/BMW.


083/365 – light at the end

I was so happy on this day that I could hug the whole world: I went to some consultation hours to complete my lucubration. This is a symbolic and personal picture for myself.


084/365 – organ recital

I enjoyed a concert of my good friend Hannah. She played some pieces of her upcoming music examination as a organ vespers. Even she was nervous it sounded perfect and virtuoso. It was forbidden to take a picture during the vespers, so I ran and had to make a qick picture when the concert ended even my camera setting wasn’t ready. I like her expression how she has realise that all of her friends were there and applauded her.


085/365 – golden

Johanna and I visited the opera today. It was the last performance of this play time and our friend Aaron is a background actor of this interpretation of Verdi’s Luisa Miller at Stadttheater Aachen. This kind of portrait is unusual, but I like this picture. It’s not that her face is ugly: she is one of the prettiest woman I know!!!! Furthermore she is one of my best friend and a old companion. She shaped me to the person I become now.


086/365 – sibling (baby doll II)

I haven’t seen this puppy the last time when I was in Cologne at the primary school for my bachelor thesis again. But luckily it’s not so creepy like picture 058/365, or isn’t it?!


087/365 – minion in love

I don’t know why, but I really like the sticker on Joe’s cupboard 😉 It gives the minion’s face expressions the right sense…


088/365 – plan

Just preparing something all day…
„The owl is the wisest of all birds because the more it sees, the less it talks.“ (African Proverb)

089/365 – run potato, run!

I had a great time at Corinna’s apartment. We cooked together with some friends and watched ‚The Great Dictator‘.
„Life is a beautiful, magnificent thing, even to a jellyfish. … The trouble is you won’t fight. You’ve given up. But there’s something just as inevitable as death. And that’s life. Think of the power of the universe — turning the Earth, growing the trees. That’s the same power within you — if you’ll only have the courage and the will to use it.“ (Charlie Chaplin)


090/365 – desktop

Every time when I visit Oli and Ruth I pass this building, but I’ve never taken a photo of it. Here it is. A great look for a computer business. This might be Windows 98.


091/365 – Unionviertel I

This is a wall in my hood. The town try to beautify the „Unionviertel, so many street artists immortalized themself on the walls. The haircut of this portrait is worth for a mention.


092/365 – execution

Execute something all the day…


093/365 – marzipan carrot

I always give the little visitors of Kohl Automobile advertising gifts if it’s available, because I love their face beaming. At Easter the motto of the Mini Showroom was: „Vergessen Sie Ihre alte Möhre“.


094/365 – AT-AT

„Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, they’re everywhere!!!“
I brunched together with my sibblings and my some of best friends on Easter Saturday in Aachen. Thien-Thanh put on each dish a cocolate ladybird beetle for dessert. We had a great meal with delicious roll, lots of cheese and even oven cheese. Postprandial Aaron had the idea to make this figures off the chocolate packaging. So the picture was taken.


095/365 – wheel

Another day at work. I was bored so I make a detour to the motorcyle section. You can see the rear wheel of a Harley Davidson. I like the symmetry of this picture and the contrast between black, chrome and orange. It’s a great bike even I prefer sport touring or a sport bike than chopper or cruiser.


096/365 – don’t leave me!

I played games on this night with my friends at Niklas parents‘ house. The house is wonderful and full of decorations, so this is my shot from the early morning for this day.


097/365 – practise

I spend every night with practising piano for my examination next week. I always have to wait until 10 PM, because not till then the orchestra, bigband or the choir leave the university. My sleep suffer from it and I’ll be happy if the next week is over.


098/365 – rise like a phoenix

I originally planned a sunset panorama view of the old steelworks „Hoesch“ in Dortmund Phönix-West, which is a park nowadays. When I arrived I saw the new VW Beetle, so I decided to park my little porsche behind it. I took over 100 pictures without a camera tripod. I think this was the best shot for this day, even the steelworks is not complete visible.


099/365 – abandoned steelworks

I drove to the same place like yesterday at the same time again, because I thought that the potential 98th picture was not perfect enough, even the picture wasn’t edited and inspected yet.
The sky was a little bit cloudy and the sunset looked different, but I like this contrasting look, the silhouette of my little car and the reflections of the stream. This time I packed the camera tripod.
If I have more time I would chill and enjoy the warm weather in this beautiful park.


100/365 – Tim and I

The 100ed picture of should be something special. So this is dedicated to my old roommate Tim. We study music together in Dortmund. Even we weren’t concerned with each other at schooldays we became good friends. He accompanied my path of life for more than 6 years. He is one of the good guys!!


101/365 – mama’s care

This weekend I was just one day at my parents house because I had to work at the car dealership. I didn’t have much time because I’m in a learning and examination phase, so my mama decided to cook some food for me even she also had less time. When I came home she was on her way with my papa, so she left all the notes there for my. Thank you mum, I love my phamily.


102/365 – striped

On my way to the train I saw these kids playing. It was a sunny and warm day. There are some reason why I like this picture: the lines on the ground, the contrasting building with its lines, the striped shirt of the girls and their matching clothes and how the sunray lighten the ground.


103/365 – perfection

Putting a smile on another person’s face makes the day worthwhile.
continuance of: 088/365 – plan; 092/365 – execution


104/365 – bebi

One of the baby cat of Oli and Ruth. So cute!! The little sleeps in the feeling of security of his mother.


105/365 – planets

I finished all my exams today. This week was really successful for me and my academic studies even I’m exhausted and tired now. Because it was my first freetime for weeks I went to the „Semesterauftakt“-Party of my degree course music. It was a great evening. The color reflections of the mirror ball and the lights looked so great and the color spectrum was so variegated that I decided to make a collage of this motif. The light creates a great deep atmosphere.


106/365 – happy meal

I had my first day off and I was invited to dinner at Ruth‘ & Olis home. Oli cooks the best hearty pancakes according to his grandmothers recipe I know. We had a great evening together.


107/365 – freightliner

On my way from Dortmund to Stolberg I took this picture out of the running train, because the colors of the wagon looked so unreal like a painting. The sun shined on the brown, a little bit rusty container and the contrast of the prop underlined this look.


108/365 – ant

I spent the day in the forrest „Solchbachtal“ in Stolberg with some friends. While the others were cilling I walked alone through the woods. At first I didn’t notice the ants on the ground, but at the second sight I perceived how big they are. This shot is an augmented crop. The ants were so fast, that it was difficult to take a sharpen shot. Furthermore the sharp spot of my lens was very small.


109/365 – The Schwabauers

I had the honor to spend the afternoon with Alex‘ whole family. They are all nice and very obliging. His parents made a delicious russian buffet and we barbecued lots of spits that we were overindulged at the end. I’m glad to know them and Alex is like a brother.


110/365 – reanimated

Just repaired a broken iPod classic and modified it with an unique housing.


111/365 – female silhouette

I took the bus to university. At an bus stop I saw this cool shadow of a tree which reminded me of a female silhouette. It’s a pity that this picture is not 100% sharp, because the bus pulled out again, so I was in a hurry to take the shot through the window of the driving bus. I took the last set adjustment of the camera.


112/365 – explore the world

Tim cooked spätzle with green asparaguses at Ruth and Oli’s appartement. Whenever I visited them I had to take a look at the baby cats. They are now three weeks old and very nosy, but their mother didn’t let them go yet. I was there with Felix. He saw the cute cats for the first time.


113/365 – flowers

It was a great sunny day. The flowers were the first I’ve seen when I stepped out of my car to go to university. Wonderful colors!!


114/365 – life is a book

‚Life is like a book and we should write it ourself. Some chapters are sad, some are happy and some are exiting. That’s life.‘
I enjoyed the sunny day even I was on my way to work. I’d wish to have the time to read a book, reflecting about it and drink my coffee like him.


115/365 – bright night

I was in Bochum at Anton’s parents house. He celebrated his birthday and his whole family was there too. They are all russian musician so we sang russian songs together. It was a fun evening and I love the sad russian melancholy music.


116/365 – beware!

A very long day: I didn’t sleep much, because I drove from Bochum to Stolberg in that night, just to work dead on time.


117/365 – rusty pole

I was in a hurry on my way from Stolberg to Dortmund. During waiting for the train I saw this lamp pole with its interesting structure.


118/365 – opera performance

I visited an opera performance of „my“ kids of a primary school in Cologne. They were all in 2nd grade and took part with 12 other school classes in the project „Singen mit Klasse!“ of the Kölner Philharmonie with the great „Gürzenich-Orchester Köln“. The libretto of the opera was the fairy tale of „Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt“ by the Grimm borthers.
I was allowed to work with them for my Bachelor thesis. The performance was great and I had much fun.


119/365 – waiting line

I wasn’t very motivated on this day, but after arriving home I came back to university to record something with Tim. We were surprised that In the entrance hall were so many people who wanted to visit the „Unikino“.


120/365 – rainbow

The night before 1st may is something special in Aachen, so my friends and I prepared us for the „Mainacht“. Normally we set a maypole for the girl we love, but we barbecued this year, enjoyed the evening and just only set one „Maibaum“.
The shot was taken in a lucky moment. when I just have left the house.


121/365 – bicycle

On my way home from the „Mainacht“ in Aachen to Stolberg. While I spotted the man on the bike waiting for the pedestrian light I set my camera and took the shot through the bus window. It was an unique moment, because I thought the setting of where he was riding would be great.


122/365 – special treat

My mum made delicious fried shrimps. We didn’t eat this meal very often, so it was a special treat.


123/365 – exhaust pipe

Another sunday of working.


124/365 – blossom

This picture is for myself.


125/365 – recording studio

I was mixing the wonderful song „Better Off“ by Paul Darin. I’ve procrastinated the project so it was time to make a change. I was engrossed in the work that I didn’t realise how late it was. When I looked up I noticed the golden shadow of the ‚magic‘ hour.


126/365 – banana

This is Franziska and a banana peel: She is an open-hearted, helpful, good and very pretty friend of mine. The story behind this picture is, that I am always on the search for a good motif for this project and Franzi suggested me to take a photo of her banana but I’ve never done it. So I owed her the motif since picture 017/365 and now here it is!!


127/365 – bottleneck

Studiotime again: Tim, David and I have recorded some songs of the „Little Timmy“ project. They are the first songs that Tim has written.
We needed slide guitar sounds, but David forgot his bottleneck at home. Necessity is the mother of invention.


128/365 – ceiling

I live in Dortmund for 7 years now, but I was never in the Jazz Club „Schlegels“ before. And normally I spend my friday evening in Stolberg, but on this day my friends from Aachen came to visit Felix and me, so we dripped into the Nightlife of Dortmund. You can see the beautiful ceiling of this pub/music location.


129/365 – pulse

I was on a great concert of my friends Paul and Britta. They are both great singers. It was funny to see that Britta’s foot seesawed to the bar of the music.


130/365 – stairway

After the concert yesterday I spent the night with Paul at Alisa’s & Britta’s appartement. When I was at railroad station „Aachen Rothe Erde“ I saw this beautiful light spot. So I waited for the perfect moment to take this shot.


131/365 – crossroads

„Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.“ (Back to the Future)
Waiting for the S-Bahn for babecueing at Ilka’s & Simon’s appartement with some friends. It was a good and nice evening, even I had to wake up early on the next, or rather same day to drive to Cologne.


132/365 – catch some rays

„Less is less we’ve got enough to get us through“ (Ari Hest)
Since one month ago I originally planned another picture for this day when I was working in cologne with my academic at an elementary school. I asked her to drive to the place I spotted the last time. Now while I’m uploading picture 132 I decide not to publish it. It’s a picture for myself and my heart.
I like this motif because it’s funny to see the dog enjoying the beautiful weather and how he bathe in the sun.


133/365 – wannabe tree

I ambled trough my old hood and saw this funny ivy on the wall which wants to be a tree – a nearly imitation.


134/365 – why do we fall?

„And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.“ (Batman Begins)
After work I visited Britta. We walked together in the rain through Aachen, had dinner in the „Pontstraße“ and had a great time together. She is fledged after her heavy seas ahead. We talked about everything. And more and more I know why we are friends and why I love her, even we often didn’t have the same view. She made my day. Thank you!!!
Btw: This motif is inspired by Mlle Lion. LG!!


135/365 – inside skyscraper

I’ve waited for my train to Stolberg and saw this great, perfect reflection in the middle skyscraper.


136/365 – youth

„We were together. I forget the rest.“ (Walt Whitman)
I drove to Heilbronn to my sister. She had invited us to celebrate her birthday. We spent the day with visiting the city. I saw this graffiti and My and Marco were in front of me. I thought it would be a interesting picture. We all got old, but we’re still together. It was a great weekend with my siblings and friends – I love my phamily!!


137/365 – knock knock

I walked with my friends through the hood of the Phampels in Heilbronn. The landscape and countryside is beautiful. I just cursed my hay fever.


138/365 – Gerd

„Well I wish I was a fixer, I would fix you up inside
I would build you a town if the world fell down
I wish I was that guy“ (Jason Mraz)
The leave-taking of my boss and friend Gerd Raschke. He was the leader of the music studio of „Fakultät 16 – Institut für Musik und Musikwissenschaft“ TU Dortmund. He is a great guy, always helpful and a good handyman. I will miss him!!


139/365 – reach

I went to visit Britta and we had a nice time together. On the way I saw this road sign at the bus stop. I love to play with the meta-level. Btw: You can see me taking the photo in the reflection.


140/365 – Camilla’s birthday

Camilla​ celebrated her 18th birthday. It was a great day with barbecueing, music and nice people. All her friends were my pupil a few years ago. That was a little bit strange. But just a little bit.
Pia took the some pictures of us: At first she didn’t get on with the fokus of my camera. The other pictures are sharp, but sometimes the imperfectness is just perfect.


141/365 – Pia

Still at the party, but after midnight: During the evening Pia complained about her brother Paul, who made portaits of his friends and their older sister, but no picture of herself. Furthermore she always says that she is unphotogenic. I want to attest the opposite!! She didn’t know how pretty she is. I always tease her, but just because she is nice.


142/365 – teddy

I spotted a bear with a beer can on the window sill of the ICE. I thought this motif would be funny. But then the owner noticed me and they waved to me with the teddy. That cute gesture made my day 🙂


143/365 – making of

I asked Alex to help me producing a video clip for „Terzwerk TV“. We needed 4 hours. It was funny and a great experience to improve our skill. And that’s why Alex and I have nearly the same as picture 143. It will be interesting to see his point of view.


144/365 – pine

„I can feel it through the fields of graves
A beating heart while rolling hills are roaming through my veins and open arms
And all is full of hope“ (A Fine Frenzy)


145/365 – A Change Of Seasons

„The words stuck in my mind
Alive from what I’ve learned
I have to seize the day
To home I returned“ (Dream Theater)


146/365 – mandrake or nymph

I learned for my bachelor thesis all the day in the living room when I saw this little houseplant which reminded me of a magic mandrake. Or a sexy tree nymph. Your choice!!


147/365 – Sleeping Beauty (Dornröschenschlaf)

Goodbye to my 46 year old friend. I made a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) and now my little Porsche is waiting for his restoration. I hope I could drive my car soon.


148/365 – frame

The first of two days of recording our show „Terzwerk TV“. It was exhausting and stressful, but I think we did a great show. This is a scenery from our „living room“ – a little chair in the frame. I used the original JPG. It’s unedited because I think it’s just perfect how it is.


149/365 – dueled hands

I called for my new used camera from the post office. This weird and naked sculpture stands in front of the post office.


150/365 – analog photography

Today I started analog photography as Paul did. I was inspired by him and I hope to gain new experience with this little Olympus AF-1. I bought the same model which my parents owned and used from 1987 to 2000 to take our family photos. So it’s a little bit nostalgia too, why I want to use this camera.
Some pictures will take time now, but I hope it will be worthwhile.


151/365 – rehearsal (analog)

Every sunday I practise with my friends with our progressive metalcore formation ‚Suricate Vault‘. The lens flare makes this picture retro overloaded.
This picture was taken with my Olympus AF-1 and Agfa Vista 200 film.


152/365 – next, please!

It’s monday and I went to my dancing class when I spotted this perfect sunlight on a side road. The reflector posts stand like they are waiting for their beloved lady. I like this picture.
I tried an analogue shot of it, but I think the camera didn’t fokus exactly how I intended the shot. At home I read the manual of my olympus and after 3 wasted test shots I’ll be able to do it next time again.


153/365 – circles

No inspiration on this day. Normal course of life.


154/365 – chimney imitations

Today I shot so many good pictures. What a bummer have to choose, what a waste for the uninspired days..
I like how the shadows imitated the chimney in the middle. There are some aspects which made this picture perfect:
– the cloud
– the two little birds
– symmetry of the house
– perfect straight shadows
– blue sky


155/365 – e1ns mit der welt

The motto just became true. Was it their intention?!
I shot this picture with my analog camera too, but the digital version is much sharper. So it was a aesthetic decision.

156/365 – lightning

It was very warm today: 32 °C/89.6 °F. So when I sat in our living room I saw the thunderstorm was approaching. I tried to capture the lightning and took over hundred pictures. I triggered manualy, that’s why the picture is not 100% sharp. I have to buy a remote for my camera.
It didn’t rain here in Stolberg. The view out of the window showed the thunder storm in Aachen Eilendorf.


157/365 – little porsche

This little bug crossed my table while I worked at Jaguar. I like the bokeh and and how sharp this lens is.


158/365 – shadow structure

I was at an acquaintance house. We had a good time. I saw this lamp in the living room. It’s a wonderful structure. In the room were a lot of hearts. You can see one of them in the right.


159/365 – Hauptzollamt Aachen

Falling sunbeams of the morning sun on the old „Hauptzollamt“ at Aachen Hauptbahnhof. I waited for the train to Dortmund, when the sun came out of the clouds and created this perfect reflection. It looks like a carpet.


160/365 – hello sunshine

Wonderful sunshine, but bedridden and ill. The view is out of my room in Dortmund.


161/365 – weak (self-portrait II)

Still ill.


162/365 – frog

A conceptional picture of cereals in milk. Mjam!! (But don’t eat too much, there is too much sugar 😉


163/365 – love (exit II)

Finally weekend!!


164/365 – headlights

Busy weekend: Dortmund-Stolberg-Aachen-Dortmund
I went to Franzis Birthday party.


165/365 – be it!

I came from Franzis Birthday party, when I spotted this great graffiti on the wall.


166/365 – viewfinder

My new old Pentax ME Super just arrived 🙂 It’s from 1980, but in near mint condition.
Because all my lens except my 40mm 2.8 XS were in Stolberg (I was in Dortmund) I took this shot with my mobile phone.


167/365 – fire extinguisher

I like the colors of the 4th floor of my university. Here is the area of our degree course music.


168/365 – inside house (analog)

The shadow was nearly perfect.
This picture was taken with my Olympus AF-1 and Agfa Vista 200 film.


169/365 – Pia’s flying Dutchman

A wonderful dutch-style bicycle, dressed with a little flower garden in the basket. The style of the owner is a little bit crazy too, but I like it. We had a great time with all our friends of my uni in Dortmund at the „Sommerfest“ and afterward the „Westpark“.


170/365 – Black Collar Band

I enjoyed Tim’s concert with his blues band in Eschweiler. It’s great to see him flourished in his music. That’s all he ever wanted. I’m so happy for my old room mate!!


171/365 – waiting

I went to the graduation ceremony of my friends. I am proud of being their music teacher 4 years ago.
When I was in a conversation I noticed David from the tail of my eye. I love how is waiting for his drink and his reflective gaze. The ambience, the light and his outfit was just perfect and made the scenery traditional and familiar. He is a good guy.


172/365 – Katze (analog)

The little fraidy-cat of the shared apartment of my friends.
This picture was taken with my Olympus AF-1 and Agfa Vista 200 film.


173/365 – highspeeds

„I’m tired
I’ve been waiting for you
I’m so tired and I need to lay down
But you’re traveling high speeds
And you’re fast, too fast to chase anymore
You’re too fast to chase anymore“ (Elliott Moss)

Sorry for everything!!


174/365 – Franzi & Corinna (analog)

It’s a pity that this shot wasn’t sharp and perfect exposed. I watched wth the girls a movie and wasn’t in the mood for taking more pictures. So this was the only one of the day.
This picture was taken with my Olympus AF-1 and Agfa Vista 200 film.


175/365 – drink

Chilling with David, Martina and Pia at a bar named „Chill’r“. It was fun!!


176/365 – H

On the 5th floor of our university building in Emil-Figge-Str. 50 we can see its roof outside the window. Every time I passed this hallway I thought there is something special I should capture, but I didn’t know what exactly. But today I’ve seen it!! And it smiled at us…


177/365 – candle lights*

I spent the day with my family and friends in Plombières Belgium. Nguyet celebrated her birthday party. It was wonderful.
*These motifs were planned as analog pictures with my Pentax Me Super. But I don’t know why the developed film is blank. Every time I decided to take an analog picture I tested it with my digital Pentax. At least the motifs aren’t lost.


178/365 – fence*

The second day in Plombières. On the search of a interesting motif I spotted this fence with his beautiful colors and structures.
*These motifs were planned as analog pictures with my Pentax Me Super. But I don’t know why the developed film is blank. Every time I decided to take an analog picture I tested it with my digital Pentax. At least the motifs aren’t lost.


179/365 – engine hood

Another day of working while the sun is shining outside.


180/365 – claviature

I originally planned to take a double exposure picture with sheet music on the white keys, but it didn’t look asthetic how I’ve imagined it. So here is just my beloved Kawai K 15 E MH/P, an old friend on my way.


181/365 – braveheart

I spotted this little brave tot on the window of the bus. Even the bus drove very fast he hung on the window. But when we bombed down the motorway he was lost. RIP!!


182/365 – wooden frontage

It’s the face of our rented summer cottage in Plombières, Belgium. My „aunt“ (long story) celebrated her birthday there and she rented the whole estate for a week.
I went back to learn for my thesis in the quiet nature.


183/365 – horizon

Last day in Plombières and we enjoyed the beautiful sunset. It was hard to capture all the beauty and to edit it. Thanks Paula for being my model.


184/365 – refreshment

Pia celebrated her housewarming party in Dortmund. The beverage lay in an ice bucket. It looked so tasty and refreshing. It’s a pity that I can’t drink it!!!


185/365 – geisha

Still the same party. This huge dice is a little box. Pia’s appartement is so cute and small, that there wasn’t many parking area for the dishes. It took some time when I realized that face watching at me. The cutlery in the bowl looked like chopsticks in the hair.


186/365 – welcome to mini (analog)

Another day of working.
This picture was taken with my Olympus AF-1 and Agfa Vista 200 film.


187/365 – powder

I went with friends to the cinema to watch the new Minion movie. When Martina saw the cardboard standup of the movie Ted she wanted me to take a picture of her with it. But before I was allowed to take a photo she powdered here face to get ready for the shooting. Crazy!! I enjoyed the evening with good friends.


188/365 – split

I like how the shadow falls and how it splits the moving stairways.
Since a while I try to change my edit style to create a more vintage look. I think it fits well in the architecture of this metro station.


189/365 – siamese mushroom

Still taste the same.
I orignally planned an analog picture of this motive, but the result was out of focus. So I picked up a backup from my DSLM.


190/365 – rainbow and tolerance (analog)

See title and think about it.
This picture was taken with my Olympus AF-1 and Agfa Vista 200 film.


191/365 – you forgot me

Waiting for the bus to university. Spotted this sad sausage glass. Why??!!


192/365 – in between

I explored the environment with Paula to plan our shooting for tomorrow.


193/365 – love is on the way

„The candles they are burning
And we are always learning
Heaven you are watching from above
Angel wings wrap me in your love
But we are marching on and on, oh marching
And we grow weary some days“ (Susie Suh)
We planned this shoot some days before. It’s my first try on a model shooting. Even the weather wasn’t perfect we got this beautiful result.
Model: Paula


194/365 – clock

Waiting for the train in Köln to drive on to Dortmund.


195/365 – woohoo! PIRAT

Just a statement.
Taken by my Canon Powershot SX220 HS, just because it’s smaller and more practical.


196/365 – should have shaved my beard

Workaday life: stand up, go to the metro and drive to university. An Ashtray at the bus station „Wittener Straße“ smiled at me.
Taken by my Canon Powershot SX220 HS, just because it’s smaller and more practical.


197/365 – rough edges

Learning, leaning, writing exams and my thesis and learning again: No time for photos, so this staircase at Campus-Süd was welcome!!
Taken by my Canon Powershot SX220 HS, just because it’s smaller and more practical.


198/365 – red hour

It was too hot, so I had to draw the curtain.


199/365 – blue hour

Alex came to Dortmund and we worked as „bahoo photography“ on a musical of my univerity. After the show we went with Martina to a friend and celebrated our „Männerabend“ at „Club 62“. The picture was taken on our way to the club.


200/365 – hidden arrow*

I visited Ruth and Oli. On this picture you can see an endless column. The ceiling is made out of a looking glass.
*These motifs were planned as analog pictures with my Pentax Me Super. But I don’t know why the developed film is blank. Every time I decided to take an analog picture I tested it with my digital Pentax. At least the motifs aren’t lost.


201/365 – deep view into the soul

„She said, „no one is alone the way you are alone“
And you held her looser than you would have if you ever could have known
Some things tie your life together, slender threads and things to treasure
Days like that should last and last and last“ (Dashboard Confessional)
This song always reminds me on a summer of yesteryear.


202/365 – vegetal reproduction*

I forgot what I was cooking on this day. Perhaps asian noodles??
*These motifs were planned as analog pictures with my Pentax Me Super. But I don’t know why the developed film is blank. Every time I decided to take an analog picture I tested it with my digital Pentax. At least the motifs aren’t lost.


203/365 – writing

I am glad if I will survive August. Sitting, waiting, wishing all the day at my thesis.


204/365 – this is life

Finally my first negative film is developed!! I was so happy!! All the pictures were photographed with my Olympus AF-1. It was a nice experience to use a fully automatic analog camera, but now I know that I prefer to retain full control of my pictures (especially the focus). In the next days I will upload my missing (analog) photos of this project.


205/365 – negative scan

I scanned my analog film negatives for this project with my new Scanner.


206/365 – wedding

I played with Aaron on a wedding. It was frighteningly that the guests didn’t know any mess actions. Not even amen!!


207/365 – Zuhause

Home is where your heart is. Another day at work.


208/365 – brother and sister

21 days until delivery of my bachelor thesis.
Model: houseplant, who is longing for the sun


209/365 – cloudscape

20 days until delivery of my bachelor thesis.


210/365 – physalis*

Dried physalis in the living room of my parents.
*These motifs were planned as analog pictures with my Pentax Me Super. But I don’t know why the developed film is blank. Every time I decided to take an analog picture I tested it with my digital Pentax. At least the motifs aren’t lost.


211/365 – summer rain

18 days until delivery of my bachelor thesis.


212/365 – selfie (self-portrait III)

17 days until delivery of my bachelor thesis.


213/365 – blue baloon*

Aaron celebrated his birthday on the terrace of the WG. The Motto was open-mic stage. The party was awesome!!
*These motifs were planned as analog pictures with my Pentax Me Super. But I don’t know why the developed film is blank. Every time I decided to take an analog picture I tested it with my digital Pentax. At least the motifs aren’t lost.


214/365 – barefoot

I had a delicious dinner with my family. Under the table I saw Niklas naked foot. The contrast was cool, so I decided to take a picture of it.


215/365 – carry us out

„Dead end driving in the dark
We don’t know what were headed for
Like lighters flicking off sparks
We’ve been counting on a little more“ (Ari Hest)
Every day I wonder how amazing the view out of this window at my parents living room is!! I saw the balloons during the dinner with my family. By the way I love the sharpness my FA50 mm lens.


216/365 – correction*

Originally my motif for this day was a portrait of Niklas.
My sister and my brother-in-law marked my…

217/365 – mother and son

I had 3 shots, which all were not perfect, because I came from the S-Bahn when I saw the shadow line and this little family. I had no time to set the camera, so picture no. 1 was underexposed. Then I push the green button of my camera which set the shutter speed quickly, but I failed with the photometer. So picture no. 2 was overexosured. Picture no. 3 was set right, but it was just the stairs. So the final picture was merged and to hide my failure I tried vintage look edit. Voilà! 😀


218/365 – A Fistful of Dollars


219/365 – wasp

Today I drove home from Dortmund to Stolberg. The air conditioner was failed, so sitting in the train was like taking a sauna. It was really hot!! While changed trains I saw these beautiful colours with the little wasp on the flower.


220/365 – parking fail

For the first time I drove a Smart ForTwo, our new car with Thanh, just to buy malt beer. The dimension of this car wasn’t familiar to me, so I failed parking. It was funny. I used Thanhs smartphone, because I forgot my camera and her picture quality is better than the one of my smartphone.

221/365 – waist-level finder

One week left until my thesis delivery.
I took the shoot through the waist-level finder of my DDR camera EXA-1B. In the future I’m going to shoot with it. It’s a completely different feeling to look through this kind of a viewfinder.


222/365 – just waiting

I was writing on my thesis all the day. To clear my head I went outside to take a walk. I tried to capture the skyline of my hometown stolberg, but the sky wasn’t clear enough. On my way back I saw this sitting cat. I took this shot with my Helios lens. After tha I visited Johanna spontaneously. She was to tired to walk with me, but she assisted me at my work. Thanks for the help Jojohanni!!


223/365 – The Postman Always Rings Twice

Today the postman ringed at our door. When I opened it I saw my little cousin An-Phong bringing us some letters. I was surprised, because I didn’t know, that he is working for the postal office.
He is a great guy even we always think that he is fucked up: He can smile!!


224/365 – little fountain

Alex helped me designing my thesis. I want to write it with LaTex for a professionell appearance. We sat over 6 hours, just to programming the footnotes. I’d have to hurry to catch the train. The last train to stolberg was at 11.50 pm. Here you realized that Aachen is a small town.


225/365 – three days left

A productive day. And my mobile phone says: 3 days left!!


226/365 – backlit flowers

I experimented with open aperture and backlight. In the background are two fir trees and in between is the sunlight.


227/365 – lamp

I finished my thesis!!! It was such a wonderful feeling!!! 2 days before bachelore thesis delivery. I used the new found freedom for editing some pictures even I was tired.


228/365 – what’s up man?

I was in Aachen at the „WG“ again. Alex helped my making the final Layout of my bachelor thesis!! Thank you very much brother!! I have to thank my brother Son too, because he maked the template – the spadework!! And no, Katze was no help, he is just chilling. What a life!!


229/365 – bachelor thesis

Finally delivered!!
An dieser Stelle bedanke ich mich herzlichst bei allen meinen Helfern – ohne Euch hätte ich diese Arbeit nie geschafft!!!
Danke Corinna, für die wertvollen Tipps zum Aufbau und zur Gliederung!! Danke My, Niklas, Ruth, Johanna, Thanh, Marco und Hannah für die guten inhaltlichen Anregungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge!!
Vielen Dank für die Grammatik- und Korrekturnazis Oli und Aaron!!
Und zuletzt danke ich Alex und Son für die Unterstützung beim Layout, ohne Euch würde es niemals so professionell aussehen!!
Hier einige Zitate aus den PDF Kommentaren:
-“ ‚…und damit Musiker und gleichzeitig Pädagoge ist.‘
Nimm den Stock aus dem Arsch! :D“

-„Cooler Scheiß… funktioniert das wirklich? :)“
-„Mich juckt es natürlich in den Augen, dass du hier eine PNG einbindest, anstatt eine Vektorgrafik. Füge mal anstatt des Bildes hier diesen Code ein:


230/365 – street lights

Today I passed an great evening evening with Sushi, malt beer and Judith. We talked until late into the night until we got the boot of the barkeeper 😀


231/365 – Donatello

Way back home last night respectively morning, when I saw this trash can. The rest is your imagination.


232/365 – welcome to the jungle

I bought some groceries when I took this photo. The seamless transition of the recapturing plants lifted them to a new meta level.
It’s very hard to focus and to set the aperture with a broken lens. At this weekend I can finally change the lens.


233/365 – make a parallel step

I spotted this road markings some months ago and decided to photograph it in the right moment. So yesterday it was time. I was on the way to make wraps and watch a movie with my friends. They had a pity with me, that I need to watch European post-War films for an exam in German languages.
By the way, who was too drunk to make such markings?


234/365 – lens city

Nothing special: I was learning all the day. After that I relaxed and repaired my Helios lens.


235/365 – spotlight*

Just working and nothing else to do.
*These motifs were planned as analog pictures with my Pentax Me Super. But I don’t know why the developed film is blank. Every time I decided to take an analog picture I tested it with my digital Pentax. At least the motifs aren’t lost.


236/365 – leaves

I had lunchtime with Martina. We both had to strengthen us for learning.


237/365 – nothing more to say

Same like yesterday: learning for tomorrow. When I cooked rice I watched the birds outside of my window. Because I just have my 40mm lens here, I cropped the view, but I also like the paranomical width.


238/365 – try to make them smile

„Imagine you have just one moment,
Where would you place it, how would you give it?
Make those liquid emotions collide and loose your mind!“ (David Maxim Micic)
I passed my exam in German languages and it was a wonderful feeling. My day was great as the weather. I photographed this picture out of the train. Every time I drove home I saw this little tree, alone in the field.


239/365 – lantern

I made a trip to Wiehl to buy a bicyle. It was my dream bike, because I had this model some years ago.


240/365 – Ari Hest

Ari Hest is one of my musician idol. What never failed to impress is the warmth and expressiveness of his voice and how he made music with such a passion. I watched him with some friends for the third time in cologne. It was so great, that Paul needed some time to concentrate after the concert.


241/365 – Christian Schmitz Band

A spontaneous photoshooting with the singersongwriter duo Judith and Christian. Because I hadn’t my equipment with me except my manually 50mm 1.7 lens and my camera, I used Alex photography equipment. The conditions were not be ideal but I tried the best.


242/365 – shadows & silhouette

The shadow of the roof hatch falls on the white wall. It’s a great composition of lines and symmetry.


243/365 – foggy morning

I arranged to meet up Judith in the train to drive to Dortmund together. It was a very foggy and warm morning.
Only the Deutsche Bahn spoiled the day for me.


244/365 – Dortmund’s sky

I worked in the music studio all the day until night to make up leeway.


245/365 – ocular

Jonathan visited me in Stolberg. We went to my favourite optimetrist „Zimmermann’s Brillen-Werk“, because he needed new glasses.


246/365 – telephone

I borrowed this beautiful old phone from Christian. I was to shoot a picture for his facebook page, but the weather was rainy and cloudy. I will repeat this next time.


247/365 – the cave

I spent the night with Paula and we watched a show together. Before she came to me I repaired my remote of the camera. I hate soldered things!!


248/365 – dominion

I played games with Aaron and Alisa. It’s been too long since we played something together.


249/365 – burger

I worked 8 hours, but I’ve forgotten my food and my mobil phone. So Burger King was a salvation!!


250/365 – little flags, big words!

„I watch your steps!“


251/365 – little flags, big words!

Refugges welcome!! I think this is an important theme: My family were refugees too. Already in those days we were not welcome in the world, but we had the luck to be adopted by German family.


252/365 – speaker

For a long time I worked at some old studio projects again. It’s great to have the time to be able to make music.


253/365 – jamming

I played music with Alex and Esther. Esther is an old friend of us and even we don’t meet her often it seems like we have met us yesterday.


254/365 – lawnmower

My father forgot the lawnmower in our garden. By the way it was the first time I tried my new 135mm lens.

255/365 – a fond farewell

Concert of my friends Paul & Britta.

256/365 – I’m your friend!

It’s Katze’s toy. He lost his little friend at the window.
I must correct this: Not Katze left little bunny there but Marco​ was it. He used it as a doorstop. A little bit sadistic…


257/365 – weather games

Working at Kohl: the colors of this evening were so beautiful. It was a damn that I didn’t take my wide-angle lens with me.


258/365 – pinguin

I ate Sushi at Kimbabox with Jonathan, Katharina, Ruth and other friends. Later I visited Ruth and Oli at their apartement. I spotted the Pinguin on my way home.


259/365 – life sucks


260/365 – Echte Liebe

My friends Max, Julia and Michi visited me at my university. They came to watch the UEFA Europa League game between Borussia Dortmund and FC Krasnodar. We ate a „Currywurst“ with French fries together.


261/365 – tell me your story, I’ll be there for you


262/365 – Nimm dich in Acht!

We were at Paul’s house-warming party in Düsseldorf. Here two of my best friends Alex and Alisa. It was a great day and all the people were nice!!


263/365 – hiding

On the way home from Paul’s party in Düsseldorf. We waited for our train back to Aachen.


264/365 – old pictures

I scanned old pictures. At the evening I visited Mesude and we watched a movie together. Originally I took a selfie with Alisa with my analog camera, but this picture is lost.


265/365 – clarinet school

I helped Anton with his bachelor thesis in Bochum. He used the formatting and the design of my work. It was very stressful, because it took the whole day.


266/365 – mounted slide

I scanned some old slides of my family. The most pictures I’ve never seen before, because my parents have sent all the original prints to our family in Vietnam.


267/365 – manipulating the DX-Code

I found an old negative film at my parents house. To revive the film I manipulated the DX-Code (kind of barcode for cameras) from ISO 200 to ISO 50.


268/365 – let me entertain you

I worked in Kamen as a sound engineer. It’s my view to the event.


269/365 – fluffy socks

I was at Anja’s and Marcus‘ Farewell-Party. They are leaving NRW to live, work and study in Berlin.


270/365 – victory

I worked for my old university lecturer as a sound engineer in Kamen and I’ve recorded his choir. It’s was a long day.


271/365 – blood moon

Still awake: I came from the concert in Kamen and visited Tim who spent the night at Oli and Ruth. I helped him with his bachelor thesis and proofreaded his work.
I didn’t know that in this night was the blood moon until Chris wrote me a WhatsApp Message. So I drove spontaneous to Phoenix-West. It was a damn that the battery of my camera was empty, so there is no perfect shot.


272/365 – inside window

Window view through the window:
Corinna and I visited artist Sina in Schwerte for a shooting. She created a photo series called „Kaltlicht-Hypnose II“, where she captured human faces watching the cold screen of their mobile phone.
For the next weeks I used the Sony A7s from my university. I test the features of this camera.


273/365 – Hur und Heilig (self-portrait IV)

Corinna and I visited the film museum in Düsseldorf. It was a funny and informative day. Here you can see the decoration of the movie „Hur und Heilig“.
Towards evening we were going our separate ways, so I arrange a meeting with Paul and Sonja B. Both are living in Düsseldorf now.
Look at the ISO value!!


274/365 – statue

A beautiful and sunny day. I went to Rossmann to handed my second analog film for this project. This is a statue at the town hall of Stolberg. I’m just learning to use this camera.


275/365 – smoke pipe

I was in a hurry when I drove to Stolberg Hauptbahnhof to catch the train to Aachen. I had a rendezvous with an adorable young lady, some Sushi and balanced football table game.
I made this photo during the car drive spontaneously. I like the colors of the sunset and how the smoke pipe is framed by the trees even the picture wasn’t sharpen.


276/365 – street light

After working at Kohl I drove to Vera, my keyboard student. Because I arrived to early I used the time to take this shot of a Penny Markt parking lot.
Later I visited Britta and Paul’s concert in Aachen. Nearly the whole „Bahoo“ group was there. It was a great evening.


277/365 – office light

The light at my office desk at Kohl.


278/365 – day off

I went to Rossmann to develop my second negative film. When I stood at the stoplight I realized that there were all painted statues except one.


279/365 – inclined

I picked up my friends from Dortmund at Stolberg Hauptbahnhof. We went to the birthday party of my old roommate Tim. I think it’s destiny, that we both and our mothers had the same birth day.


280/365 – smile

I had breakfast with my friends Martina, Ruth, David and Oli. They came from Dortmund to visit Tims and my birthday.


281/365 – autumn

Martina and David invited me to a self-made vegan burger meal. So I drove to Dortmund. I tried my new old Zenitar lens on this day. The look is wonderful.


282/365 – Bitte ein B

My brother came from Nürnberg to visit me. We chilled at the WG together. Listend to good music and wallowed in a bit of nostalgia. We are old.


283/365 – just married

Britta’s sister got married. It was a wonderful ceremony. The party was at an old train station. I was the taxi for the guests. In this night I have driven 300km – from Homburg to Aachen and back again. After 6 hours of driving I was very exhausted.


284/365 – hit the light

Finally a day off from working!! The weather was wonderful, so I decided spontaneously to go the forest. Niklas was my companion. We enjoyed the last days of autumn.


285/365 – Sender

I forgot the story of this day 😀 I just know, that the night was so clear that I set off at midnight to make this photo even I was very tired. More and more I love this camera for its high ISO range.


286/365 – color spectrum

I drove to Alex to to get a smartphone screen to repair the HTC One M8 of Johanna’s dad.


287/365 – iceberg map

After waking up I saw the first snow of this year!!! But it was very cold.
I recorded a carneval song with Jo at the morning. In the evening Britta visited me and we cooked together.


288/365 – Silesian food

Daniel celebrated his birthday as cooking duel event: we had Polish, Vietnamese, Italian and Russian food. It was a very delicious day and our stomach were full!!


289/365 – water reflection

Some weeks ago I saw a motif for our bahoo facebook front page when I drove the car. So I went to the place again to take some pictures. It will be the motif of november.


290/365 – autumn impression

I worked the morning at Kohl. I like how the lantern are falling into infinity.


291/365 – model (statue II)

Spent the day alone at home, repaired a smartphone, nothing special. This was a figure in our living room.


292/365 – more leaves

The first at university again. At the evening I met some friends at the „Tonstudio“ and we had watched „Back to the future“ together.


293/365 – keep in mind (bulb II)

Today I cleaned my room. Then I played a little bit with photoshop.


294/365 – choose the door

My first piano lesson since a while. I am learning jazz now. It’s mindfuck, but great. I was waiting for the S-Bahn to home.


295/365 – time travel

Every auditorium is a little time travel.


296/365 – strong

Dortmund – Stolberg – Nürnberg.
I visited Romina and my brother Son with some friends at their home in Nürnberg. They celebrated a house-warming party and Romina’s birthday.


297/365 – Winklerstrasse

Day of Romina’s and Son’s party. I wandered through Nürnberg with Thanh, Minh-Quan and Aaron to find a birthday present for Romina. I already visited this city a bunch of times so I knew this street.
Aloa Baguetti and Chouetti!!


298/365 – „Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass“

Still the same party. My brother is one of the best musicians I know. He plays drums and guitars at a very high and professional level. I am his fan and I am glad that he is my „phamily“.


299/365 – green cucumber

I made a movie night with my friends in the „Tonstudio“ like last monday. We watched „Mara und der Feuerbringer“ – an adaptation of one of my favored books. Because every monday is long we ate there together. We realized that Hannahs fingernails are green like the cucumber.


300/365 – yummy squegg

Strange nightmeal.


301/365 – art

A spontaneous photo with Waltraud. She stood in front of the painting „Schöne Aussichten II“ which hanged in the foyer of our university. At this day we found out that we were neighbours. It was funny.


302/365 – sigh

Long day at my university. I love autumn for its colors.


303/365 – frame

Just moved from a seminar building to another.





306/365 – fire alarm

Long day at university and still on the search of a motif…


307/365 – constant motion

Oli and I took some night photos in the city for his band. I think the starting and ending point of the headlights made this picture special.


308/365 – TU Dortmund

The last very warm days at my university.


309/365 – november days

No motivation.
This is just my potential background photo for an idea in my mind but I had not realilze it yet. For the first time now I used my old „bahoo_summer“-preset. I changed my color edit style in the last month, but I still like these colors.


310/365 – one love

I visited some old friends. It was a nice evening. After that I went to Alisa’s and Britta’s „Heidewitzka“ party.


311/365 – honeycomb

A picture of my mic screen absorber before sleeping. The next days I’m going to pull myself together to make better pictures. It’s just a matter of time. At the moment uni is a little bit stressful.


312/365 – street light II

I worked at Kohl Automobile again. The sunset was very nice. I had some good shots, but then I chose this minimal motif.


313/365 – free your mind

Today I sat at the library and made a seminar paper. Outside the window I saw the birds flying. I had this idea in my mind some months ago, but I didn’t see such a swarm of birds until this day. This was my chance to realize this concept.


314/365 – play >

I planned this picture some months ago. Olav helped me to take this photo, because there was no space in my room for a camera stand.


315/365 – „Schau mir in die Augen, Kleines!“

I decided for a small deviation through the city, when I drove home from university. I spotted this broken, symmetry street light and I tried to find a interesting perspective.


316/365 – iron man

Travelled to university. Met iron man in the underground.


317/365 – wonderful view

Block seminar at university. During the break I went to the window to take this picture.


318/365 – drunken man

Waltrauds and Jens birthday party: I made them Chinese spring rolls. It was a nice evening.


319/265 – hello

Still the same party. Got tired, but I had fun. Maybe I stayed there until 4 AM, didn’t know it anymore.


320/365 – german dinner

I tried to repair Franzi’s laptop. The hardisk malfunctioned, so she had to buy a new one. Because it was not worth she will buy a new laptop.
The first time I tried blue cheese, but that’s not my cup of tea.


321/365 – street light III

Street light at my train station „Unionstraße“. Driving to university and back with a side trip to IKEA to prepare my next conceptual picture.


322/365 – from apes to man (reupload)

When I waited for my piano lesson I had the idea of this picture. So I set up a projector, googled how to make dots with Photoshop and played the model.


323/365 – old man

Chilled at home on this evening and no inspiration until this walnut.


324/365 – vacuum cleaner bag lamp

My arms!!! Esther saved me, when I arrived by train from Dortmund to Stolberg with some recording Equipment. It was so heavy-weight and my rucksack was a square!!
I chilled with Aaron, Esther, Alex and Marco at the „WG“. The motif is Aaron’s room lamp: a self-made vacuum cleaner bag lamp.


325/365 – tomato soup

I worked in Geilenkirchen as an audio engineer and recorded a concert. After that I chilled at the Kaminski-house. Judith’s family is very nice and hospitably. It was a nice but also exhausted day.
By the way: The lamp was very clean and I did not remove any dust.


326/365 – plant fall

Just bummed around on my „Gammeltag“. It was good to have a free sunday again. I missed it.


327/365 – sunny morning

Waiting for the bus tu university.


328/365 – learning

Preparing for a presentation. I forgot that it was this week, so it was a little bit stressful 😀


329/365 – blue moon

On the way home. I hate the darkness, when I came home. The moon was so blue!!


330/365 – man in the middle

Way to a seminar room.


331/365 – second spring


332/365 – room divider


333/365 – My friend


334/365 – red and yellow

Daddys precious.


335/365 – bottle

In a few days you will see the secret behind this bottle 😉


336/365 – origami

I played „Die Siedler von Catan“ with my friends at Hannah’s appartement. It was funny, but I lost. Robert, too and he is the pro in this game!


337/365 – and you?

I bought some food on the way home from university. When I look around I saw this little „man“ sittingvon the number. Today was a good day of photographing. But the last days were unmotivated.
It’s good that this project is finished in 2 weeks.


338/365 – Kohl Team

Christmas party at work. I was to lazy to take an own picture, so I use this from a photo box. But hey, I pushed the trigger button!!!


339/365 – artificial sun



340/365 – Hai (self-portrait IV)

Working again.
The light was perfect, so I got the idea to take a portrait of me. Original this picture was made for Andrea’s Advent calendar but I was to late (because of working).


341/365 – dropped out

Just a little idea.


342/365 – platypus

I met my „Krabbelgruppe“ in the canteen. This shot was taken on my way back to our seminar building EF50.
Do you see the duck face?


343/365 – Nikkelausparty


344/365 – Alban Gerhardt

This week was very stressful: we had 4 TV shows of „Terzwerk TV“ in this week. Here you can see the tv performance of Alban Gerhardt. It was a funny and interesting show.


345/365 – Error 404

Now we know, that der „Dortmunder U“ uses Windows for the screening.


346/365 – Elliot Moss

I visited with my friends the concert of Elliot Moss: It’s inconceivable how 3 musicians can creat such a great sound!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hat’s off to the guys!!

347/365 – display

I worked at Kohl Automobile: It was the first time, when I’ve tried my repaired PENTAX-F 70-210mm F4-5.6 lens.


348/365 – oh lala

I just had my 70-210mm lens: It was not ideal for this small street. I waited for a stranger for this shot.


349/365 – rooftop concert

Every year all our music profs and students played christmas songs together at noonday on the rooftop of the library: peaceful playing 🙂


350/365 – bothered minion

In front of the big electronics shop were 3 big Minions. It must be annoying to take a photo with everyone.


351/365 – treeman


353/365 – travelling

This weekend I travelled from Dortmund to Stolberg to Krefeld and back to Dortmund: Woke up in Dortmund, taught piano in Stolberg Breinig, bought an used stage piano in Krefeld and celerated a game evening in Dortmund. Wohoooooo!!

352/365 – waiting for the train


354/365 – ET

Lantern at Stolberger Hauptbahnhof.


355/365 – window


356/365 – love

Stolberg Altstadt


357/365 – Wo ist die My?

Like last year we (all friends from stolberg) met us in a pub and had fun together.


358/365 – PHAMilie

Our silent night together. It was wonderful.


359/365 – the other Pham’s


360/365 – if we had another sister


361/365 – Fiddler’s Choice

Countryband of Jaques, Tim and Aaron


362/365 – Jan


363/365 – pizza cake


364/365 – sibling’s love


365/365 – end of the year

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